Thacher Island Adventure

Cape Ann is an incredible place. My water camera cooperated on this day and I was able to capture a little of the magic. Leaving Loblolly Untitled Untitled Untitled Untitled Untitled Untitled looking out, going up Untitled Disc from March 2011 Hooksett Sewer Overflow Untitled

A Swell Start to Summer

Last week was amazing with a healthy balance of surf and work. Had waves Sunday thru Thursday with a couple of coveted city sessions in there. There was the summer solstice that brought our first heatwave and more surf! In honor of International Surfing Day we also had an epic beach cleanup at Good Harbor Beach in Gloucester, MA on Saturday. That is my kind of week. summer solstice workin it last day of spring - evening, actually chilled Group pic!


Sometimes you just need one good wave. Untitled Untitled shine

Ku Hoe He’e Nalu

to stand, to paddle, to surf, a wave. change perspective ocean paddle Untitled crabby mini Janet + Erin's boards sailin

City to Sea to City

Noreaster in June, waves for days, Venus transit and a high-octane Surfrider party.
You could say this week was pretty action-packed. what the morning brought Green Lightning Surfboards & Friends

Have you signed the petition to Update the Bottle Bill in Massachusetts?

If not, there is still a little time! Please visit the MA Bottle Bill petition here and help get it to a VOTE! Spread the word. Thank-you!

Somewhere Between the Earth and the Sun

Waiting for Venus. s to the p to the e to the c... sea red

The Stokemaker Machinery

Fuck mystery, pretense and wave snobbery. It's about having fun, appreciating what we've got, respecting the ocean and just wanting to do it over and over until our arms fall off. Grab your board, find a friend, pick a spot, catch a wave! lil beauty sunshine + waves friends rainbows