Snow Day!

Andrew and Marc went out and I documented the insanity. These guys absolutely shredded the blizzardy beast to bits. See more at Surf is Swell »

blizz bros


And So it Begins...

So long, 14 day flatspell. Hello, snowy sand and sweet, salty waves. So thankful for the first sessions of 2011. By next weekend I will be well on my way to warm water bliss. Though I am beyond thrilled, I feel a tinge of homesickness for winter surf already. I know that sounds loco! Luckily there will be plenty of freezing cold water left when I get back. Until then, I plan on thoroughly savoring the in between.

surf x 2
Just Dexter
Puerto Rico

Plastic Paradise

Wow. I do not post a ton of stuff from outside sources up here but every once in a while something is so powerful that I want to shout it from every little soapbox I can find. See what years of plastic waste is doing to our oceans and all that depend on it – which is ultimately, everything and everyone. Please watch + share. More info here »

Revolve › Resolve › Evolve

With a clean slate to draw upon, now is the time to vocalize and visualize what it is that we want for 2011. I have a few things ruminating in my heart and head on a daily basis and figure it may help to say them out loud.
  • get van
  • more art
  • more surf
  • more love
  • more work
  • more water
  • keep running
  • more courage
  • more laughter
  • more gratitude
  • more push ups
  • more adventure
  • deeper take offs
  • more compassion
  • keep things simple
  • ask more questions
  • keep finding inspiration
  • worry less about what others think
  • keep searching for and refining the dream
  • create positive impact on environment + community
  • keep grabbing at life with heart, mind, spirit and all four limbs